"Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and he calls adventure Science. "
- Edwin Powell Hubble
Junior Science is taught by thirteen teachers, in eleven laboratories, located in C, D and E blocks. A complete refurbishment of six of these laboratories took place in 2015.
Teaching staff from the three Science Departments teach junior classes: currently, where possible, one teacher takes a class from Y8 to Year 10, and the topics are a balance of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
There are three full time technicians in Science, all of whom have responsibilities within KS3 as well as individual departments:
Dr D Roberts (Head of Department)
Mr K Jardine
Mrs N McAlister
Mr L McGuinness
Miss L Norton (Head of Chemistry)
Mrs C McGrath
Mrs L Stewart (Vice Principal)
Mr S Granville
Mr K Niblock
Mr T Rocks (Head of Physics)
Mrs A Lyness
Mrs M Irwin
Mrs N Jones
Miss O Montgomery
Mr V Watts
Mrs F Conroy
The acquisition of knowledge and understanding of a range of scientific concepts, generalisations, principles and laws through the systematic study and experience of aspects of the body of knowledge called science.
The acquisition of a range of cognitive and psycho-motor skills and processes as a result of direct involvement in scientific activities and procedures in the laboratory.
The utilisation of scientific knowledge and processes in the pursuit of further knowledge and deeper understanding, and the development of an ability to function autonomously in an area of science studies to solve practical problems and to communicate that experience to others.
The attainment of a perspective or way of looking at the world together with some understanding of how it complements and contrasts with other perspectives or ways of organising knowledge and inquiry.
The attainment of a basic understanding of the nature of advanced technological societies, the interaction between science and society, and the contribution science makes to our cultural heritage.
The realisation that scientific knowledge and experience is of some value in the process of establishing a sense of personal and social identity.
Teachers try, where possible, to have practically based lessons with emphasis on safety, and where possible allow students to develop planning and evaluative skills. Throughout the age range pupils should be encouraged to make use of information technology. They should be encouraged to record work in their own words, and to develop library skills.
Finally, teachers focus on the idea that we are teaching children to understand and enjoy Science.
Investigating Science
Making and Using Materials
Variety of Life
Acids and Alkalis
Magnetism and Electricity
Human Reproduction
notebook will be marked: this will contribute to both reports during the academic year
end of topic tests: two of these will contribute to both reports during the academic year
formative assessment tasks during the year: one of these will contribute to the grade on the first report
formative assessment will also include a variety of oral questions and CASE investigations to develop thinking skills.
recognising hazards and safety symbols
working safely in a science laboratory, including lighting a Bunsen burner, safe heating of solids or solutions
manipulative skills
the ability to work as an individual, in pairs or in small groups
collation of data
analysis of data
evaluate evidence from an experiment
use the planning loop to plan, carry out, and evaluate an investigation
the correct way to write up scientific investigations
communicate the outcomes of an experiment or investigation, using IT where appropriate
application of number
drawing and interpreting graphs
ensuring attendance at lessons
ensuring that your son follows the laboratory rules and the College Code of Conduct and approaches his science lessons with a positive and enthusiastic attitude
ensuring all homework is completed satisfactorily for the required date
ensuring all work is copied up, if a lesson is missed
ensuring work is organised and presented well
ensuring word lists, provided for topics, are learnt
ensuring your son revises thoroughly for all tests
ensuring your son brings the following to all science lessons: homework diary, science notebook, science textbook, a pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, calculator and protractor