"The taught pastoral provision is tailored effectively to the needs to the boys and is proactive in raising their awareness of the social and emotional challenges which they and others face." (ETI Inspection Report, March 2014)
St Malachy’s College seeks to promote an environment in which students, staff and parents are committed to the idea of excellence within a caring, supportive community. The pastoral care system in the College is based on the principle of Catholic education and seeks to develop our commitment to the development of the whole human being. The school motto “Gloria ab Intus”- Glory from Within, encapsulates the underpinning ethos of pastoral care within the College.
Each member of staff is committed to the welfare of the students and the ethos of the school. The recent ETI report praised the “holistic approach to supporting the boys”. The school is divided into 3 sections; Junior, Middle and Senior. Each section has a Head of School and there is a Year Head for each Year Group. The main pastoral support for each boy is provided by his Form Tutor. The Form Tutor meets the class at morning and afternoon registration and will mentor each student throughout the course of the year.
There is a timetabled tutorial period during which the students follow a Personal Health and Social Education programme that is matched to the needs of each age group. External agencies also deliver a range of programmes on a wide variety of issues such as alcohol, relationships, personal safety, team-building and study skills.
As a means of fostering positive behaviour, St Malachy’s College incorporates a preventative curriculum into its pastoral care provision. This encourages our boys to be aware of risks prevalent in today’s society and to make informed and safe choices both within and out of the College.
We work in partnership with students, parents and carers and a range of external agencies to inform and educate.
The preventative curriculum is delivered though the PHSE programme in tutorial groups, through assemblies and enrichment activities and through a range of events and activities organised throughout the year.
Areas Covered Include:
Anti- Bullying workshops
eSafety education
Alcohol/ Smoking/ Drugs Education
“Mind Out” Mental Health
Relationships and Sexuality Education (delivered in house and by Love for Life)
Concussion Training
Anger Management