Mr D Strange (Head of Department)
Mr P Davison
Our Mission
'Our Mission is to inspire, engage and nurture musical excellence within a supportive and aspirational environment, and provide all pupils with opportunities to fulfil their musical potential and live out their Glory From Within.'
The College enjoys a historic and enviable reputation for musical excellence and participation; we aim to celebrate and continue our unique legacy by promoting the highest standards of music-making, teaching and learning by nurturing the musical talents of all boys, by stretching and challenging them, and by providing them with unparalleled extra-curricular opportunities.
In the morning, at break time, lunch and after school, the Music Department is a bustling hive of activity– the sounds of boys practising and singing fill the corridors! Our busy calendar of events including internal and external concerts, competitions, trips and workshops, ensures that our boys are afforded a range of opportunities in varied settings to develop performance related musical skills, self-discipline and self-confidence!
We hope you enjoy reading about our Music Department – please click on the links for more information.
Music Department YouTube Channel
Concert recordings:
We hope that you enjoy our music-making and that you can applaud our musicians from a distance! Please share our performances with your family and friends.
Gloria Ab Intus!
The Music Department