"The College began with eight boarders and ten day pupils. Today, the population has grown to over 1000 pupils."
Founded in 1833, St Malachy’s College is a Catholic Grammar School for boys. We take great pride in the history of the College which was opened on St Malachy’s Day 3rd November 1833. The College began with eight boarders and ten day pupils. Today the population has grown to over 1000 pupils. The pupils, with the coat of arms of the Diocese of Down and Connor on their school badge,remain loyal to the rich tradition of the College.
The Catholic Christian ethos of the College is reflected in the school motto:-‘Gloria ab Intus’. This reminds us all of the importance of ‘Glory from within’ and we, through our work, endeavour to honour Bishop Crolly and the founders of the College.
St Malachy’s, as a Catholic school seeks through its ethos, to recognise and respect the uniqueness of all individuals, to enable them to reach their full potential and’ to help create the world as God intends it to be’ (John Paul II)
We believe that St Malachy’s College promotes high aspirations for all our pupils by working with them to:
•understand the uniqueness of each individual pupil.
•promote literacy, numeracy and ICT to enable pupils to grow in confidence.
•ensure that, through themed projects that they can link learning from one subject to another.
•value and respect others and to celebrate diversity within the school community and beyond.
High quality teaching and learning, assessment, monitoring and tracking student progress are at the heart of our curriculum.
St Malachy’s College aims to develop the potential of every pupil through the provision of a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. All pupils are encouraged to participate in curricular and extra-curricular enrichment activities designed to enhance their school experience. The College learning environment is as dynamic as the learning process itself, and constantly adapts to keep pace with new developments. Over the next few years further improvements to enhance the ICT infrastructure will be made and these will enable all pupils to enhance their ICT skills.
The aims and ethos of the College are based on partnerships. These come in many forms and their success enables the school to be all that it is. We work very closely with our link primary schools to ensure that the transition from primary to St Malachy’s College is a natural and positive experience. We make sure we keep you informed of your son’s progress on a regular basis through our strong pastoral care system. A parent can always speak to someone who knows their child.
St Malachy’s has a very strong Careers Education Department which works in close partnership with a wide range of local companies to provide careers advice and guidance to pupils throughout each stage of the pupil’s education.
The College works in partnership with priests and local parishes to create and sustain a vibrant sense of spiritual awareness in our pupils. Pupils actively participate in assemblies, collective worship, retreats, fundraising for charity and community work. Fr M Spence, the Spiritual Director, celebrates Mass in the College Chapel throughout the school year.
The Catholic Christian ethos of the College is reflected in the school motto:-‘Gloria ab Intus’. This reminds us all of the importance of ‘Glory from within’ and we, through our work, endeavour to honour Bishop Crolly and the founders of the College.
St Malachy’s, as a Catholic school seeks through its ethos, to recognise and respect the uniqueness of all individuals, to enable them to reach their full potential and’ to help create the world as God intends it to be’ (John Paul II).