Our prime objective is to ensure successful pupil participation in a broad range of skill based and health-related activities. The College PE Department delivers Physical Education through the four main sporting areas within the curriculum. These are:
Games (Gaelic, Hurling, Soccer, Basketball, Badminton, Volleyball, Rugby)
Health Related PE (Fitness Suite activities, Individual Fitness Profiling)
Pupils in Years 8-12 are time-tabled to have a 2 period block of PE per week, which equates to 1 hour 40 minutes. Currently pupils in year 12 have a double period or 1 hour 40 minutes in one week and a single period or 50 minutes in their second week. Years 13 and 14 have the option of having 2 periods of recreational PE per week during which they are able to access the College fitness suite.
Examination PE is offered at GCSE, AS and A2 level, for students perhaps looking to follow a career in the sport and leisure industry or indeed the world of education.

Mr A Fulton (Head of Department)
Mr P Molloy
Mr A McClean
Mr K Niblock
Mr P McAllister
The onsite facilities that the College has include a large Sports Hall with adjoining Fitness Suite, a fully equipped Gymnasium, a state-of-the-art flood lit 3rd generation synthetic grass pitch, long jump area, shot putt area and 3 Handball alleys.
The College also makes use of a variety of off-site facilities to assist with the delivery of the curricular PE programme. These include Queens PEC, Ballyearl, Antrim Forum, Mallusk Playing Fields, Andersonstown Leisure Centre, Valley Park and the Loughshore Towpath.
Gaelic Football
Health-Related PE
Fitness Testing
Minor Games Skills
Gaelic Football
Health-Related PE
Fitness Testing
Minor Games Skills
Unit 3: Knowledge and Understanding for the Active Participant (Full Course)
Written Paper – 1 hour 30 mins
80 marks – 40%
The syllabus comprises of two interrelated areas of study:-
Health, fitness, and factors affecting performance and Principles of training.
Factors affecting individual performance and participation and social and cultural factors affecting participation.
Unit 4: The Active Participant (Full Course)
Controlled Assessment
90 marks – 60%
4 assessments from at least 2 activity areas:
Games, Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics, Swimming, Outdoor & Adventurous.
Practical components of this course are internally assessed and externally moderated.
It is important to note that students also improve their overall mark through continual effort and participation.
Students who are interested in studying G.C.S.E Physical Education must consider the following criteria:
A student must have a participation rate of greater than 95% in Key Stage 3
A student must have run quicker than 13½ minutes for their 3K run during Key Stage 3
A student must have run more than 105 shuttle runs during their Fitness Assessment within Key Stage 3
A student must play a minimum of 2 sports at a competitive level, either in school or for outside teams
A student must be an active member of at least one College squad/team during Key Stage 3
A student must have attended College Sports Day during Key Stage 3 and compete as a Year 10 GCSE PE candidate.
A-Level Sports Science
CCEA’s GCE Sports Science and the Active Leisure Industry specification is unique. It addresses key employment opportunities in the active leisure industry and prepares students for further study.
AS level covers fitness, training methods, fitness testing, planning training programmes and first aid. In the AS coursework unit, students use their knowledge to adopt the role of a ‘personal trainer’ advising a ‘client’.
At A2, students examine in detail the structure and function of the body’s systems and how exercise affects them. For the A2 internal assessment unit, students lead, manage and motivate their peers to deliver an event to suit the stated aims and resources available.
This specification is available at two levels: AS and A2. Students can take the AS units plus the A2 units for a full GCE A level qualification. They can also choose to take the AS course as a stand-alone qualification.
The specification has four units:
Unit AS 1: Fitness and Training for Sport
Unit AS 2: The Active Leisure Industry: Health, Fitness and Lifestyle
Unit A2 1: Event Management in the Active Leisure Industry
Unit A2 2: The Application of Science to Sports Performance.
Students who wish to be considered for A-Level Sports Science, should have a Grade B in the theory aspect of GCSE PE. Students who have not studied GCSE PE may also be considered. These students will be assessed on an individual academic and sporting basis.