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Senior Prizegiving 2023

Mrs N McAlister

The College Senior Prizegiving was celebrated before Christmas on Thursday 21st December.

Congratulations to the class of 2023, and our 2022-23 GCSE, AS and A Level prize winners. There was also a range of sports, arts, music and service special prizes for our talented Malachians.

The afternoon was opened by our senior stings. We were especially pleased to welcome back many of our past students who have moved on to third level education. It was lovely that we were able to celebrate our students' hard work and hard-earned success.


The Guest of Honour was friend of the College, Her Honour Gemma Loughran, retired judge. Her Honor Loughran spoke warmly of the great tradition of excellence in the College. "A tradition which is seen in the achievements of its alumni which are an embarrassment of riches." She invited our boys to respond throughout their lives to a most important challenge - to open their minds and hearts, and to respond to the needs of the least in our society.


All of the College community are very proud of our boys who continue to give of their best in every walk of life. It was a wonderful afternoon with parents, staff and boys all coming together. Gloria Ab Intus!

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