8A: Killian McMackin
Killian is a strong all-round performer who makes the most of what the College has to offer. He is consistently dedicated to his studies, and a great friend to all boys in Year 8.
8B: Jim Farren
Jim has made fantastic progress over the last few months. He has grown in confidence and has shown strong organisational skills. Jim is a polite young man who attends Animation Club, and is a popular member of 8B.
8C: Jack Owens
Jack has made a huge effort across all subjects recently and has seen a marked improvement in his overall performance as a result. He is a very pleasant young man who has also started to attend Gaelic football in the College.
8D: Oisin Maguire
Oisin is a highly motivated student who has an outstanding merit record. He has produced extremely well organised revision notes for all his subjects and always gives his best in class and in sport within the College. Oisin is a true Malachian!
8E: Ryan Irvine
Ryan is a very friendly young man who is always courteous to both staff and his peers. He displays impeccable manners and is a great friend to several members of the Year group. Ryan is well respected within Year 8.