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What a day for the St Malachy’s College 2018 Bar Mock Trial Team!

Ms T Artherton

Huge congratulations to our superbly poised Barristers: Matthew Breen, Sean Patrick Houston, Oran Hughes and Conall McGinn, outstanding and unshakable witnesses: Ryan Giffen, Ruairi McAteer, Edward McKenzie and Aidan Thompson, humble Court Clerk: Dylan Doran, dedicated juror: Eoin Kelleher and wonderfully talented Court Artist: Eoin Conroy.

In Round 1, we faced tough competition prosecuting against an exceptionally talented defence team from St Dominic’s Grammar School for Girls. The judge for this case remarked on the incredibly high standard from both teams and complimented our young men on their ability to think on their feet and communicate clearly to the court with an impressive volume, tone and pace. Barristers Conall and Oran were praised for their unique style and natural flair whilst Ryan and Ruairi remained unflinching during their cross examinations.

Round 2 saw our impressive team successfully convince the jury that the defendant was guilty, despite bearing the burden of proof. Our Barristers Matthew and Sean Patrick remained calm and assertive as they questioned the highly convincing and at times, truly pitiable witnesses from Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School. The judge, who spoke about his 40 years' experience admitted that, given the high standard of performances from our young men, that perhaps it was time from him to step aside to let them take over!

In Round 3, our team successfully defended Mr Blair Forrester (A.K.A Edward McKenzie) and saw the jury return a unanimous ‘not guilty’ verdict. Glenlola Collegiate School proved to be yet another outstanding opponent but our team held their own and enjoyed the highly complimentary feedback from the judge who thanked the teams for such an enjoyable performance due to the ‘extremely high standard’ from everyone. He remarked on the very controlled, tight and precise questioning which he revealed secured exceptionally high marks for our team. Edward and Aidan were especially credited for their ‘very clever answers’ as defence witnesses.

The team would like to thank QC Gavan Duffy for his incredible support in the lead up to the competition in providing our team with a fascinating insight into the legal system and very generously giving up his time to assist with preparations.

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