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C Campbell

Music Society Lunch-Time Recitals Return!

On Friday, 27th January, the College Music Society held its first lunch-time recital of 2017 in M1. Those in attendance enjoyed a wide variety of musical pieces.

Year 8 musicians opened the programme and wowed with their skills on the Djembe drums; loud and rhythmic, the room was entranced. Continuing with the buoyant tempo, Year 13 Traditional players, Ciaran Carson (bodhran) and Conall Finnegan (tin whistle) charmed with a spirited performance of the ‘Butterfly Set’. Kelan Benson (flute) and Adam McCambridge (Cello) then took centre stage, playing a well-known classical piece ‘Air’ by Johann Sebastian Bach. Vocalist, Tom Deazley sang a beautiful World War I ballad by George Butterworth ‘Is my Team Ploughing?’ His interpretation conveyed the tragedy of the trenches. To finish, Peter Fitzpatrick and Matthew Weiniger took to the drums and electric guitar delighting the audience with a rousing rock number.

If you missed out on today’s concert, do not despair, the Music Society were keen to point out that this is only one of a series of musical recitals planned for the Spring term.

Thanks to Miss Lowry, Mr McGrath and all those in the Music Department (pupils and staff) for giving so generously of their time to make this event a success!

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