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Shared Education - LLW

P Marcus

This morning a Year 8 / Form 1 class from BRA visited the College for a shared Classroom LLW event. The theme was building partnerships through good citizenship.

After a brief getting to know you chat the students were treated to a presentation from the College Archivist Mr McNamee. He gave a fascinating presentation on the life and times of Thomas McCabe, an early example of how to be a good citizen. The students were entranced and really enjoyed hearing about old Belfast and seeing early maps of their schools locations.

After that was a lively game of ‘people bingo’ and the barriers between the schools soon broke down as they moved around the room to find matches. The final activity of the morning built on the work the students had already carried out in their own school’s LLW lessons. In small groups the young people were asked to design a shared badge for the two schools reflecting on their shared history and experiences. Some very creative work resulted which will be on display in both locations. There was also some enthusiastic use of google translate as the groups converted their new mottos into Latin to mirror the existing traditions.

There was just time for a reflection and evaluation of the morning in their journals before the BRA students headed out into the sunshine for the walk back up the road. All the students are very much looking forward to their next meeting in BRA in two weeks time!

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