Last Friday, North Belfast born author Paul McVeigh came into St. Malachy’s College to speak to the school’s Book Club and Year 11 pupils. Paul is best known for his book, “The Good Son” which is also set in the local area. He is also spent time writing plays and stand-up comedy for eight years before deciding to write books.
Paul spoke to the Book Club about the schools he attended and how he got into writing. He didn’t start writing until quite late into his life and at first wrote short stories. One of his more popular short stories, a monologue of a little boy, was extended into the novel “The Good Son”.
The Book Club was interested to know the first book Paul read and what inspired him to start writing, and the questions came thick and fast. He gave us a lot of tips about writing; for example the use of story plans. He also gave us a great tip on comedy writing: always do the opposite of what’s expected.
Paul also gave a talk to the whole of Year 11 on his experience in Creative writing and how to effectively draw from personal experience to engage your reader. Everyone seemed to enjoy the talk and sincere thanks to Paul for giving up his time.
By Rory McGirr 9C